(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-17-24)

This Creativity Post continues an idea and character from CP 158.

In that one, a wealthy young woman from Europe is on vacation in Maine when she’s kidnapped/abducted. Now for the purpose of this idea, we’re assuming it’s the same girl in both CP pics. Creativity Posts in general are broad interpretations and don’t need to be exact, it’s more how something triggers an idea. In this case, it’s the look on the girl’s face.

She’s not scared or worried about her current predicament, which means she wasn’t kidnapped to be human trafficked which is what CP 158 kind of hinted at. While that story idea could work, it’s not a route I’m going down.

Instead, she was ‘abducted’ by her boyfriend/guy she likes but her parents don’t approve of. This would set up a twist maybe. The story (from CP 158) looks like it’s going one way then does a 180 and we end up here.

Her boyfriend could also be European or maybe he’s American. That would be an important factor to figure in and not just a throwaway line.

This scene with her on a chain would be a long time coming for both of them as it’s been a while since they’ve been together and something they’ve wanted for a while.

I would have them both be equals, there’s no power imbalance between them unless he’s maybe a mercenary or an assassin and she’s the money but I think he might be a business guy. That could change though as none of this is set in stone (thinking out loud remember).

There’s still a lot to explore for this idea which I think has potential. One way to increase its value would be figuring out how to tie it into The Merc Series Universe as a whole. Probably through her family and where her money comes from and deciding if they’re just a rich family. Or like a really wealthy European type of family. That could then get tied into other areas too in The Merc Series.