(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-28-24)

This CP is more along the lines of what I call a setting/location piece, like from an RPG that can be used over and over again but the story changes depending on who’s in it and the vibe/tone I want to go with.

This one is similar to CP 142 but a different season, not winter. The 1st pic looks early fall while the 2nd one with the bridge looks more summertime.

My initial thought to tie them together though would be that it’s early fall and a group of people are being tracked/hunted for a ‘reason’ which even just changing the ‘reason’ can change the story in different ways.

The people being chased are moving down the stream and come across the bridge and instantly think they’re saved. But once they get close enough to it, they realize the bridge is old and abandoned and the roads above it is overgrown ever since the state closed the road down and rerouted traffic through another way.

This could either be in New England somewhere or one of the Virginias, or Pacific Northwest. Each location could offer a different tyle of villain too. Assuming I even use America as the setting country.

I do like the idea of the abandon bridge and road and think that alone has the ‘Wrong Turn’ creepy vibes to it as well which could be one of the many angles/ideas the story could go in.