(Originally Posted Wednesday 6-19-24)
My original thought for this was a warzone with soldiers and a drone operator but that seemed too simple and vague. After digging a bit deeper what I think is a better idea is mercenaries not soldiers.
Shocking I know.
But all kidding aside, I would keep the drone operator role for this guy with the beard and have him go against type that I usually do for this role, which thus far has been mostly nerdy/geeky female drone operators that are wicked smart and skilled in drones but not skilled in close quarter combat.
This guy would be good in both categories instead of great and poor if we were going by rankings. He’s former Special Forces, most likely American but I could see British or Australian too, just depends on the overall story/plot and what would make the most sense/best option for it.
He’s smart and a hard ass, gruff type guy but not in a rude asshole way. There’s a distinction in my mind for that type of character and getting it right would make him stand out more.
The plot/story with him can vary a bunch depending on the need but my initial thought is he’s part of a team of mercs put together for a capture (or maybe rescue) operation. He’s been hired for his drone and recon capabilities (we’re pretending it’s him in the 2nd pic too for this idea) and he’s by himself a lot or separated from the team.
But he’s good enough to be running solo.
I’m thinking the merc team he’s part of was thrown together on short notice and they’re sent into an active warzone. To get someone out safety. Maybe. That’s vague enough to be adapted any number of ways but my main idea for this CP is still the character concept/idea as opposed to plot idea and I think there’s enough here to make up a cool new character.