(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-21-24)

This CP is a little more straight forward with what I think the idea would be.

There’s still a couple changes I could make to it that would alter somewhat but nothing as drastic as say all the ways CP 163 could be changed around.

I see it being a Friday in the summer. Friday because that means weekend which would cause extra problems/stress for the lady.

So, who is she?

I’m leaning towards her being a lawyer, but I could make her a CEO of a small company, but I think the lawyer angle works better for this idea. She’s having a normal Friday afternoon, where she goes out to lunch every Friday and starts planning her next week.

She’s a very organized, meticulous person who probably has OCD. She’s very blunt and factual. She’s more abrasive than straight up rude as she genuinely doesn’t get how people can’t see the obvious right in front of them.

But she’s excellent at her job which helps her co-workers by making their work life easier, so they’ve learned to appreciate her and know deep down she’s not trying to be mean/asshole like.

As she’s heading back to the office, she gets a phone call (1st pic) then has to stop and go over it (2nd pic). The caller is saying there’s a huge problem and there’s chaos at the office.

She’s in disbelief because whatever is happening shouldn’t be happening. The ‘problem’ will need to be researched/thought out more so it makes sense for the story, but it will be a big deal for the company she works for.

Maybe company stock is tanking on a Friday afternoon and there’s nothing they can do and the company has lost millions of dollars already. What kind of company might matter too depending on how I tie her and her work into The Merc Series Universe.

Whatever the problem is has something to do with her work which is why she can’t believe it. She doesn’t make mistakes. So, the story could go one of two ways from there.

Either she did make the mistake and now this has turned her entire world upside down. Or someone else has framed her and she has to try and prove herself innocent.

But options sound good. I just need to decide which way I want to go.