(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-31-24)

For this CP I’m going in the opposite direction that I did for CP 160.

In this idea the guy is the mark, and the blonde is secretly an assassin sent to kill him.

A simple plot and cliché all at once.

The trick now is to make this idea stand out, by putting my own twist on it, and make it different from other similar ideas.

I’d set it in Europe instead of America. The café vibe makes me think that but not France, maybe Italy. And she’s pretending to be an America tourist, had a good job in New York but burnt out and came here to reevaluate her life sort of thing.

He’s a rich bachelor who’s from a wealthy family, legit business, nothing shady and he ‘works’ for his father but is really more of a hype guy, helps get clients to sign on to deals with his dad’s business by taking them out to dinners, drinks, things like that.

I’m not sure how’d they first meet but he’d be the bold one and ask her out as he was really taken with her beauty and smile. I’d even consider making her look normal to start and the twist of her being an assassin wouldn’t be until the middle of the story instead of being revealed right up front.

She wouldn’t be freelance though, instead she’d work for a group/firm/agency type thing but not the CIA/government. It’d be a private group. She’s sent in to get close to the guy and learn about the family business (depending on what it is) and report back. It’s not a quick in and out job. Maybe a summer fling type of relationship.

Now there’s several different ways/routes I could take the story after that. The most basic option is she falls for the guy and can’t kill him now. But I feel like that’s the least interesting option for this.

She could really be there to get close to the guy’s dad and the guy was just the way into the family for her to kill his dad. I like that idea better. She could also just be there to take out the whole family too, which could work as well.

But that would also mean deciding is she really the villain here or is the family? Or is it nothing personal, just business kind of vibes?

The only thing I know for certain is that when this job is all over, she goes back to the group she works for and gets ready for her next job.