(Originally Posted Friday 11-9-18)
For some reason, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this pic wasn’t the guys in it. It was a person or persons who would be fighting these guys.
These guys aren’t some jobbers though. I’m thinking European, maybe French. Or German for something different.
They’re an elite police security force unit that transports important cargo or personnel. They handle it all so sometimes they’re transporting an important VIP or escorting a wanted criminal.
Whoever is going to attack them though has to be really good. A solo against these guys probably isn’t going to work just because they’ve been doing this for so long that they know how to respond.
They work really well as a team. No weak links in them. Maybe they purposely replace the weakest member after a while.
Like they have a skill assessment and the lowest score has to complete against new recruits that want in. And if they get beat by one they’re off the team.
I like that idea but thinking maybe that wouldn’t work for these guys depending on the angle we go with them.
The other option is, maybe they’re a private security force and none of them are police anymore.
I’m leaning toward having them getting attacked by The Death Jesters. Their specialty is hijacking after all and it would be a good match up against a group of guys whose specialty is protecting things from getting hijacked.
Next question would be, how high is the body count then on both sides?
#FridayNightWriting #TheMercSeries #Ideas #ThinkingOutLoud