Creativity Post 86

(Originally Posted Friday 8-31-18)

The idea for this pic came because of a mistake. I was going through and thought she was holding something else, not a weight but like a stick/baton and then saw the other weight but I was still thinking about what if she did have a weapon in her hand.

In both hands in fact, like a dual-welder.

Between that and her stance and I thought she was Chinese at first glance, I was thinking she could be a good martial artist.

But I kept coming back to the stick idea. It’s like your brain first sees something and that image then stays with you. Or once you see something one way, you can’t see it another way or see it the same way again. That was a bit of a ramble but again this is all off the cuff.

Anyway, a long time ago, before I had even created The Merc Series to what it looks like now, I created a character who was a master of Escrima sticks but never got around to using him. I think that could be a cool ‘gimmick’ for her.

Escrima is a Filipino Martial Arts that emphasizes weapon-based fighting. Sticks are the most well-known but knives and bladed weapons are used as well.

Maybe she has a special kind of thrown weapons as well that helps her get in close to opponents as well. I’m thinking of keeping the Chinese background and maybe she’s a freelance mercenary who also does assassinations.

She could also use various guns/submachine guns as the jobs call for it but she’s definitely a CQB/hand to hand combat specialist.

Depending on the plans/ideas I have for this character, she could even end up working for Isabella Racine as this is exactly the kind of talent she looks for when hiring women to work for her.

#FridayNightWriting #TheMercSeries #Ideas #ThinkingOutLoud