(Originally Posted Friday 6-8-18)
So, this one may sound a lot like a previous Creativity Post cause the ideas/plot is very similar. There’s even a good chance that both of them get combined together in the future when it comes time to write the story, but we’ll have to wait to see on that.
The idea for this one is the chopper is coming down to pick up a VIP. The VIP is already on sight and waiting for exfil.
The soldiers all hop out of the chopper to establish a perimeter. Most likely they’ll be mercs not soldiers, (let’s be honest). And then something happens.
Maybe instead of the chopper getting blown up like in the other idea, the pilots are killed by a sniper in an ambush and then the enemy forces move in.
Maybe another merc company is there to kill the VIP and their chopper is firing on to the guys on the ground and now they have to haul ass in the VIPs crappy car as paratroopers drop down on them. They’re trying to get to cover and put some distance between them and the rival merc company.
Thankfully two guys did some quick thinking and grabbed whatever they could from the chopper before hoping into the back of the car and leaving.
I’m thinking maybe they lost half their guys? So ten guys becomes five left alive. Might have to play around with the numbers a bit.
Then to really add some meat and potatoes to this idea, we could see the POV of the merc team jumping from the sky down on them.
Maybe this could be a Death Jesters story? Or at least have them playing the role of the bad guys. That would give this story some legs actually.
And help show why people are so scared of the Death Jesters.
I like that.
#FridayNightWriting #TheMercSeries #Ideas #ThinkingOutLoud