(Originally Posted Friday 3-16-18)
For this one it was the look of the guy rather than what was going on around him.
I like the black hair, mustache, eye patch look he has going on. For some reason I picture him being French.
And for a change of pace, he has no ties to The Racines. He knows who Isabella Racine is but he’s never worked for her or gone up against her.
I think he’s good enough for Isabella to know who he is but still not good enough to beat her. Though Isabella thinks that about everyone.
He was probably French Intelligence and did taskforce type stuff with the British and the United States.
Maybe he lost his eye on a covert mission with American forces. The CIA maybe? And he was terminated once he got back home.
He wasn’t pissed though. He knew the risks involved and wasn’t going to go all revenge mode ‘how dare you do this to me’.
Instead he found work overseas in Asia. China, North Korea, and South Korea.
I think he calls Hong Kong home now and has established himself a reputation as a good freelance mercenary. He’s known as the ‘Frenchman’ and while not a big talker, he can be charming when he needs to be and has a good list of contacts and resources he can call upon.
He’s probably done a few jobs with the mercenary Diego even.
He’s definitely more of an up close hand to hand type of fighter. He favors carrying a sword but he’s well-versed submachine guns.
He’s also more of a neutral type of character. He’s just as likely to be fighting with the bad guys as he is the good guys.
#FridayNightWriting #TheMercSeries #Ideas #ThinkingOutLoud