(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-10-22) With this one, I knew almost instantly what vibe/story I was going with for this pic. They’re a couple. And they’re both criminals. Both things we’ve

(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-10-22) With this one, I knew almost instantly what vibe/story I was going with for this pic. They’re a couple. And they’re both criminals. Both things we’ve
(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-3-22) One thing I like doing with Creativity Posts is trying to find not only random images but ones that also seem so ordinary and then come
(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-27-22) My shorthand title for this one was called ‘tennis bros’ and I figured they would be two quick ‘jobber’ type characters that could be used for
(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-20-22) This one I nicknamed ‘Birthday Boy’ And yes I’m aware it’s a New Year’s Eve 2018 theme but for the purpose of this CP, it reads
(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-13-22) On the surface this one feels familiar to CP#109. Both feature surfer girls but that’s all there is. I’m thinking this girl likes to surf but
(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-25-21) There’s a couple ideas going on for this pic. At first glance it looks a nice house, nice night sky, shooting star in the background (maybe).
(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-18-21) These pics are similar to the ones used in CP#131, friends having a good time. But what makes it different though is the direction we’re going
(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-11-21) This is a good pic that could lead into any number of ideas depending on what direction style/theme I want the story to go. My first
(Originally Posted Wednesday 8-4-21) This one didn’t come together until I saw the second pic. The first pic is a bunch of friends celebrating a birthday. Nothing bad but not
(Originally Posted Wednesday 7-28-21) So, this one is a little out there but that’s kind of the point of Creativity Posts too. Push the limits of random thoughts/ideas and see